There is always been a passion for automobiles for individuals throughout the world, nd obviously Indians are nt exceptions. When few group of people believe in mileage nd maintenance there cums de other group which is fond of performance nd very often say de "catch me if u can" mantra. Very recently few Indian launches are being planned with a 250 cc mark, these bikes are tagged at Rs 1 lac. Bajaj is the first name which strikes wen speaking abt high speed bikes in India. Bajaj's 1 lac bike is planned for auto expo dis jan. Bajaj had already seen a modest success with its cruiser type Bajaj Avenger with 200 cc. While the main stay Indian successful bike manufacturer Hero Honda has only its old fame KARIZMA in dis segment. Previously the yamahas had plans of launching its first high price bikes in Indian, those with the very attractive 900 cc nd the 1500 cc. Both slated at de mammoth 10 lacs price tags. May be dis wuld happen sometime early dis yr. One may think who is gonna afford 10 lacs for a motorcycle in India, but mind u! der r few real nuts in Mumbai nd across few other major cities in de nation who wont mind spending dis amt on their favorite autos. "Speed thrills, but kills" may be de government slogan but who cares, few say "Catch me if u can"!!! nd start setting the road on fire. Nevertheless, v can have a very gud show at de auto expo in sumtime.

All this happening at one end, there r few auto companies at the other end challenging their low budget 4 wheelers. TATA has promised to release its 1 lac car with all de basic necessities. The F1 fame Renault along with de Mahindra marketing is viewing de launch of its own low budget car tagged at just above 1 lac. Even with de current no of cars in city one cant control de s**t traffic in city limits(pity the police incharge aiming to control it). Nd wen these cars cum into circulation, no big surprise dat hell lot of them wuld dump their 2 wheelers nd opt for a 4 wheeler. Wat ever may b de case, if dis idea succeeds then de auto market is gonna see a massive profit.
The 2 wheelers heading towards its higher ends nd the 4 wheelers towards their lower end, one cant say which is healthier or even which wuld find de apt fruit. Both r diff segments nd both aiming at the diff sector of people. Anyway, its not gonna happen very late. We can either sit back nd enjoy the fun or even opt for participating in de fun, which is left to each individual.