Monday, August 25, 2008

Thats me...

I wanna say...

Once a while when I sit by a side,
makes me pod if I worth de birth

failure is de wave dat came my way
plea is what a lame man say
all I wanna say is can can can

Pain is wat strikes very hard,
can I ever get away from dat
mind is de reason for all dat goes
cant always expect the heart to accept

Agony may be coz of break-up, but
success always require few martyr
if dat doesn't lead to heights,
der is no reason for de life

Can I ever get to de peak of glory,
those dreams makes me go sleepless
nd pills don help my insomnia
just keep telling, I wil get der

Barriers infront confront de seas,
to reach de peak is lots of arduous

but shuld get der, atleast before
de earth loses dis useless
and in the end
all I wanna say is can can can...

by Pradeep KC
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