The second yr started of with lots of expectations and de wait for juniors had cum to an end as they all flocked de college. Joined hands with few mechanos in de coll and found some gud plans to treat de juniors. Started off few crap sessions with de juniors, may b they wuld hav to re-quote the same experience of mine with my seniors(no big diff was shown from our side as-well).. But, I hav to mention de fact dat der was one big diff dat v experienced with our juniors. We were convicted by de college officials for ragging de juniors off campus. It all happened wen v took de juniors for an evening walk to de near-by deserted road, whr we were

When all des were happening, I had to experience de all time big split within friends of de class. I was not able to find out the exact reason for the split. Had to digest the fact dat few were due to

4th started started off quite peacefully. Later on again problems seem to raise from all corners of the class. I tell u, my second yr was THE worst during my coll days. All sorts of crap happening all over. It was durin dis yr, I had my first genuine booze, guys called it vodka(MGM vodka, some local brand)... I had sat down with one of my seniors(my gud friend) nd de rest were my juniors along with a couple from my set. We sat, forming an irregular circle... "phuk" was de sound nd der opened de vodka bottle(one of my jrs opened it), HO my god!!! it was an art opening de vodka bottle dat way, I still don do it correctly. I didnt know de correct way to mix it with de soft drink. Few der helped me around. I found it quite diff to cope up with 3 rounds after a heavy dinner. So, went to bed nd had a fabulous sleep(In pic:The Class).

I started bunking my classes regularly starting from dis semester. Though I didnt hav better things to do in de hostel, just bunked nd had few gud sessions of post-lunch nap or even gud chattin sessions in hostel. Attendance was lagging quite a bit, so was losing few dozens of marks(who cares!!!).. Lab hours were equally bad, so I spent most of them in my room watchin repeated movies ;)).. Was not a very tough semester to clear, may b those days it had becum a practice for me to clear papers in border. Finally cleared de 4th sem nd now I am into de 3rd yr. Dis yr was supposed to be tough as I had to find an internship at de end of the yr.....................