Hah, yea this is my first technical post in this blog. Donno wat made me think fascinating towards RIAs. RIAs are generally internet applications which are provided with features and functionalities of de very traditional desktop applications. The processing information is passed on to de UI but the actual bulk data is present in the application server. As RIAs is based on web applications, installation process is obviously very less or not required. Users can consistently use it irrespective of any operating system. Richness in application can be incurred when developing application in which calculation needs to be performed in the client side nd need not be sent back to the server. All these advantages might sound very simple during the early stages but these are quite distinguishable pros' of RIAs(eg. anyone involved with the mortgage calculations can typically guess the advantage of such a client-server/fat client approaches, I was involved with it for an half a dozen of months). Still being in the very early stages of learning RIA fundas, these were de very few advantages dat I was able to cognize abt RIAs.
Adobe(kindly pronounce it "a-DOE-bee", ho s**t! I had been pronouncing it "a-dob" till very recently. I had to bend my head down with shy when I came to know de right pronunciation. Anyway, I am just in de learning phase(an uncontrollable giggle within myself)) came up with its innovative product Flex which is dedicated for the development of RIAs. It comes up with a fantastic IDE(obviously, u need to pay for Flex Builder 3 or avail the 60 days of trial version) or the flex framework can be utilized in eclipse. Flex 3 SDK is released under the Mozilla open source public license. Flex uses MXML, an XML based language for building applications in it. Flex builder provides with the readily built swf files as compiled form for ur app. Scripting languages can be used alongside with MXML for the interaction with DB. It can very easily interact with XML based issues. Technologies that are commonly compared with flex are openLaszlo, AJAX, etc...
This is a sample screen developed with flex, PHP to interact with the mysql DB nd apache supports for the sake of a web server. As understandable, this screen implements very few features of flex. This is just for the sake of how flex interacts with the PHP script. It uses a very simple PHP script to make connection with the DB, fetching the records from the DB and building XML nodes which contains the fetched records. The script url is passed to the MXML code nd the nodes are parsed and displayed accordingly, as simple as dat. (Below is a sample code snippet irrelevant to de app in de pic )
Dedicated learning of flex will require a fair knowledge of actionscript as a prerequisite. The look nd feel provided by flex for RIAs is totally amazing. There are various sites designed with flex these days like Sony Ericsson, Yahoo!, Satyam Cinemas, etc...
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