The World is a drama on a wide stage,
once said the literature sage;
I was hit by the greatest trauma,
when one terminated his role in dat drama.
was not even half way through his role,
he was just thinking abt his long term goal;
but had to abide by de unfavourable haul,
nd I had to miss one of my close pals'
still unable to digest his impetuous demise
nd der is nothin at-all for de compromise;
days we ate together, days we roamed together
days we shared de fun together,
but now, feeling his loss all-alone
nd am helpless except to mourn;
Tribute to him, wuld be to make
his dreams cum true for his,
soul to view;
nd from my side, it wil be at-least a few;
Men come, men go
wat we know is their presence;
wat we should know is their absence,
at least of those who influence'd;
..... in remembrance of Srikanth Nagarajan
nice one!!
good one kc..
May his soul rest in peace
days we ate together, days we roamed together
days we shared de fun together,
but now, feeling his loss all-alone
nd am helpless except to mourn
i liked these lines to d core...
RIP kabali
-sreevatsa praveen
hey pradeep,
sindhu here!!! nice blog!!! really loved every poem of urs!! this one s very very nice.. keep up the good work..
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