The above listed cities are not the venues of any cricket match or de new SEZs but des are the cities which were on terror very recently by the terrorism acts. Among these, the mumbai attack has been the worse where the terrorist strike the Taj hotel and the very prestegious Trident Oberoi, Narimon House and few other places. The southern part of the economic capital of the nation was set on fire by de volunteers of not the very famous terrorist organization-Deccan Mujahideen. Its very unpleasing to infer de truth dat calling India an unpeaceful nation is not too far away. One of the many million dollar questions is how were the terrorist able to accumulate arms and hand grenard in the heart of the city. The terrorist were supposed to hav travelled through the waterways from karachi to mumbai. In dat case how did they escape the navy border security force. The arms hav ben supplied to de terrorist by the Indian islamic movements says authenticated sources.

The terrorist who hijacked a police vehicle made a police to drive the vehicle at gun point. The terrorist instead of absconding from de place slowed down their vehicle nd started to open fire against the cop. It clearly indicates the ingenuity of the terrorist just to kill as many people as they can before they finally get killed.
Whatever may be de case, there has been attacks across India time and again, and wat is the government gonna do regarding this issue. It has becum a habit for de PM nd Ms.Sonia Gandhi to just verbally condemn each nd every attack nd forget it rite away. Wholly 2008 has been a worse calender year in the history of Independent India.
This being the first time dat de economically forward ppl nd the tourists of the nation hav been experiencing crisis coz of terrorist attacks makes it very evident dat Terrorist are now concentrating on the tourist attraction of India. It was quite strange to cognize that terrorist were shouting nd asking for ppl who had UK nd US passports.

The ho'rable Union FM Mr. Chidambaram proudly sits crossed legged with Z category security nd raises his white collar by saying India has a GDP of 8% dis financial year, But wats de use of talking abt GDP wen der is no security for de people's life. The attack has not only made India to lose its recognition of being a peaceful nation in the world but also to lose some of its high profile security officers who lost their life during the fight against the terrorism.
The politicians who are given the Z category security, kindly wake up from the wonderland of just making money nd think abt wat can be done to eradicate terrorism atleast for safeguarding their lifes. Nevertheless, they can be de next target by the al-quedas or de lashkari thoibas or de Deccan mujahideens. Else, finally the citizens hav to condemn the terrorism after the PM of the nation is shot dead.
The world is experiencing economic crisis, but India for a change is experiencing "crisis of human life". Which is de worse case???